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About Us


Healing Laughter Yoga!


Harness the stimulating effect of laughter and experience the calmness of yoga. Conducted as a group session Laughter Yoga combines laughter exercises with yogic breathing. This brings in more oxygen into our body and brain, which makes us feel energized and rejuvenated. Laughter Yoga activates the immune system, decreases the “stress” hormones, relaxes our muscles and reduces aches and pains.


Healing Laughter Yoga is specially created for people who love to or wish to come together to have a real healing belly laughter! All kind of people are welcome: those who do not laugh at all, or smile only or laugh moderately or just cannot stop laughing….people who wish to actively participate in the laughter yoga exercises,  or may be just curious to know what it is all about?….people who wish to laugh for fun and people who need laughter to revitalize and heal…come one, come all. Come alone- to make friends, bring your friends- to multiply them….


Just come! And we all shall heal: Physically, Psychologically and Spiritually!!!


Join us in creating a more joyous and peaceful world through love and laughter!

“Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects” - Arnold Glasow

"Laughter is an instant vacation" - Milton Berle


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